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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

General Questions

Q: What is the Youth Passion Project?
A: The Youth Passion Project is an organization that offers free online classes taught by high school students. We do our best to ensure that the classes taught are not those that would traditionally be taught in school, providing unique learning opportunities for younger students. You can find out more about our mission here.


Q: What courses are offered?
A: We offer a large variety of courses in various subjects, such as Competition Math, Painting, Chess, and Creative Writing. The courses offered change each session based on which instructors are teaching, so you should check out our course catalog here, which contains the list of all the courses that we are offering at the current moment.


Q: Who are the instructors?

A: Our 100+ instructors are high school students who are truly passionate about what they teach. All potential instructors submit applications and only a small percentage are accepted. We evaluate teaching ability, professionalism, organization, qualification, character, and course feasibility via thorough interviews with trained hiring staff. Our current instructors include published authors, award-winning scientific researchers, professional musicians who have performed at sites like Carnegie Hall, ranked chess players and athletes, and seniors accepted by prestigious colleges. We hand-pick our instructors and pride ourselves on selecting only people who we feel will add immensely to our mission and community.

Q: When will the next Youth Passion Project Session be open for registration?

A: You can view our full course schedule here. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest updates about registration. You can find the subscription box at the bottom of any of our website pages.


Q: How do I contact the Youth Passion Project?

A: You can use our contact us page to find the email you should reach out to. We receive hundreds of emails per month and will try our best to route yours to the right place. You can also connect with us on Instagram or Twitter. If you need to reach us by postal mail, phone, or Zoom, email us first and we can work out the details.

Registration & Enrollment

Registration & Enrollment

Q: How do I register for courses offered by the Youth Passion Project?
A: You can register for courses under the tab at the top labeled “Course Registration” or click on the link here. From that page, you can access the registration form and the course catalog, which will contain more detailed descriptions of all of the courses listed on the registration form. The registration process for in-person classes is location-dependent. Some locations will require you to sign up in person, while others will have links to book. Please check the registration catalogue for specific details. Parents of students will need to sign a liability form. 


Q: How do I know if my registration went through?
A: If you registered online using our registration form, you will receive an automated email from indicating the status of your registration. If your registration was approved, you will receive your student’s schedule as a Google Doc. If any part of your registration was rejected, you will receive a detailed description of the error. In order to receive this email, please make sure is not blocked and that the email did not go to spam. If you do not receive the email within two hours, please reach out to us.


Q: I want to register my child for a course, but I cannot find it on the registration form. Why is that so?
A: If a course that you want to register for is not found on the registration form, that likely means that the course has hit its maximum capacity. Although it may not always be marked as such on our website’s course catalog, the registration form will always most truly reflect the availability of a certain class. If you would still like to be enrolled in the class, you may request an exception by contacting our Enrollment & Student Services Team and telling us your child's name, grade, and any courses they are currently enrolled in.


Q: Why was my registration rejected? How do I fix it?
A: Certain instructors request that their courses only contain students of certain grade levels or are of certain sizes. If you do not meet these prerequisites, your registration will be rejected and all of your enrollments will be voided. If this happens to you, please re-register at, taking care to only register for courses for which you meet the prerequisite. In addition, please do not register for more than three courses as this will also cause your registration to be rejected. If you have questions, please contact our Enrollment & Student Services Team.


Q: How often do courses meet? What do I need to do to prepare for my course?
A: Courses meet either once or twice a week during pre-determined times; the frequency and times are dependent on each course. The times for each course will be listed in both the course catalog and on the registration form. The course catalog will additionally list the prerequisites and materials for the course, if any of them exist. If you’re unsure about what you need to do to prepare, be sure to read the course description first before signing up!


Q: Who should I contact if I am having issues with enrollment?
A: You should contact our Enrollment & Student Services Team. In order for us to locate your registration information, please send your email from the address you used for your registration and include the student’s full name in your email.


Q: Do I have to reside in a certain area to sign up for classes? 

A: Our instructors and leadership come from areas across the country and world. All of our classes are completely virtual and are open to any elementary/middle school student worldwide. 

Common Questions

Common Questions

Q: Do I need to attend every class?
A: Please make a commitment to attend every class. Based on our experience, we have noticed that students and parents have a far better experience if they attend every class. Our curriculums are progressive and build on past content to teach new skills. In addition, because we pride ourselves on small classes, we have a limited number of spots and count on full student attendance. If your class’ times conflict with another commitment or you do not believe you cannot attend consistently, please contact our Enrollment & Student Services Team


Q: Who should I contact if I am having issues with my course or instructor?
A: You should contact our Enrollment & Student Services Team. Please include the full name of the student, the full name of the instructor, and the full name of the course in your email.


Q: How do I give feedback on my course?
A: We welcome your feedback on any course you have taken. At the end of each session, you will receive a form via email through which you can submit comprehensive feedback. If you have an immediate concern, please feel free to contact our Enrollment & Student Services Team

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